Following a financial plan and staying disciplined can be challenging. This guide is a quick reference for the main mistakes you should avoid when planning your finances, for example:
An emergency fund is the foundation of a solid financial plan. We recommend holding at least six months’ expenditure (plus any planned additional spending) as an easily accessible cash reserve. Not prioritising your emergency fund can result in:
All of this can be avoided if you keep enough cash available to cover contingencies.
Most people have life cover to protect their mortgage. But is that really enough? Consider the following:
It’s incredible how many policies will still find that haven’t been set up in trust. If a life policy is not in Trust, it will be included within your estate. This can result in:
It’s a simple matter to write life cover into Trust when you set the policy up. It’s always worth checking that any existing policies you own have been set up correctly.
Missing out on tax relief can cost several thousand pounds each year. These are some simple methods for reducing tax:
A sensible financial plan will ensure that you make the most of the tax breaks available.
The reality is that few active managers can maintain high performance for the long term. A staggering 97% of US investment fund managers failed to beat the US equity index over fifteen years (source The only certainty is that you will pay more in investment charges.
Aligning your investments with your financial plan can help to filter out the ‘noise’ of the financial markets, and keep you focused.
Sometimes we need to take a bit of risk to reach our goals. Over the longer term, equity returns will beat bond returns. Equities are, however, more volatile. There are also different kinds of risk and it’s impossible to remove all of them.
It’s easy to err on the side of optimism when creating your cashflow plan. This can cause your plan to drift off-course. The longer this continues, the more difficult it is to recover from.
Working with a financial planner can give you an objective view of the assumptions, and help you create a realistic plan.
It’s easy to delay the difficult decisions in life. Making Wills and Powers of Attorney might not appear to be a priority when the need for them seems so far away. But not having these in place can result in:
Wills and Powers of Attorney are simple and relatively inexpensive to set up. They are also easy to change, so it’s far better to have a not-quite-perfect Will or POA than to have none at all.
Many of the mistakes we see in financial planning arise from poor behaviour and not sticking to the strategy. This can stem from emotions or biases which are not based in fact. For example:
A good financial planner will aim to coach you towards more positive habits, bringing you closer to your goals.
Please do not hesitate to contact a member of the team to find out more about financial planning and how we can help you.
This document is marketing material for a retail audience and does not constitute advice or recommendations. Past performance is not a guide to future performance and may not be repeated. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amount originally invested.
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