Meet the team: Zoe Raynsford

Zoe Raynsford, a Senior Client Relationship Manager at First Wealth, talks about her career and

So, tell us more about your role

I have been here at First Wealth for 15 years now. I started off as a Client Relationship Manager helping Robert Caplan and providing support to his clients. 

It’s great to be evolving in my role as the company grows.   

Did you always want to do this job?

When I first left school a lot of my friends went to university, and I decided not to study initially. I worked in Financial Services for a couple years for different providers and decided at that point that I wanted to start studying towards my Certificate in Financial Planning. 

After completing my exams, I decided to take a year out travelling in Australia and Thailand, which was an incredible experience! That year out really changed my perspective on things so when I returned, I wanted to work for an IFA (Independent Financial Adviser) being First Financial Consultants (as we were at the time), and I haven’t looked back since.  

What would be your advice for people who want to work in this profession?   

Try to get an internship as it is a great way to test the waters and gain some valuable insights into the profession. After that, if you make the decision to work in Financial Services, I would suggest you start your exams as soon as possible.  

As a working Mum, it has been so important to me to work with a company like First Wealth who value their staff’s wellbeing and offer flexible/remote working. I would definitely suggest finding a company that cares about their staff and encourages a positive company culture.  

If you were not a Senior Client Relationship Manager, what would you be doing?  

I would love to be a weather presenter. I am fascinated by Geography and would have enjoyed studying that subject further, especially focusing on the weather aspect to become a weather presenter on TV. 

What do you do in your spare time?

I am a Mum of 2 boys aged 5 and 7 who I enjoy spending most of my spare time with. I also love exercise and am an avid runner, having completed the London marathon in the past. I really enjoy socialising in my spare time as well.  

And finally, what is your favourite thing about working at First Wealth?

I love the work hard, play hard ethos. We have such great events and nights out which is down to the extremely hard work we all put in which is always recognised and rewarded, which makes staff feel very valued. I also love watching the company continue to grow and develop.  

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